Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Over the summer while Scott and I were hiking a 10k stretch of a more crumbled section of the Great Wall, we chatted with a pilot who flies the Toronto-Beijing route on a regular basis. Halfway through a sentence, he stopped, said, "Man, I missed my geocache" and turned on his heel to retrace the treacherous section we had just completed.

We caught up with this pilot after the hike and asked, "What is geocache?" His response was thrilling! Apparently there is a whole group of geocachers who roam the globe with GPS' telling them where hidden, communal treasures lie. Whatever, it doesn't make much sense when I explain it...but it's definitely worth watching this video:

There's also their website. This seems crazy fun, right? If anyone gets in on this and starts to geocache, will you let me know how it goes?

1 comment:

  1. I learned about geocaching about a year or so ago from my uncle who is an active "geocacher" everywhere from close to his home in NC to the Caribbean. I have to admit - it's fun to have a mission while on a hike or walk sometimes!
